Rainbow cupcakes...

In our family I'm pretty sure that we have every month covered when it comes to birthdays. February's birthday was that of my beautiful mother in law. Since she's usually the one to bake the cakes and cook the dinners for everyone's birthday, on her birthday we all pitched in so she didn't have to do a thing. My contribution was the "cake" or cupcakes as the case may be.

I really liked the look of these Rainbow Cake Jars I wrote about once before and thought there must be a way to make something similar in cupcake form. Sure enough, I was in luck. A quick google search and I came across these: Rainbow Cupcakes. Perfect! I mixed up the cake as specified and divided for the colors.

I lined the cupcake pans with those basic liners you can find anywhere. I chose them because they were thin enough so that once the cupcakes were baked you'd be able to see the layers through the wrapper.

I put about a tablespoon of each color in each liner. and just layered one on top of each other. At first I thought they might blend together too much, but in fact they didn't blend at all. Then I baked them according to the directions. Some of them bubbled the darker colors to the surface but I just covered that with icing later.

I set them aside to let them cool and was very happy with the results thus far.

Next up icing & sprinkles.

Even unwrapped not too shabby...

And the inside looked great...

And of course they tasted even better!

ps - Here's a picture of the celebration...that's my 1 1/2 year old nephew who thinks that every birthday is also his birthday (and of course we all play along because it's so damn cute.)

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