Jar Cakes...

I made these for my lovely sister-in-law last October for her birthday (as you can tell by the halloween table cloth). She saw them online here: Rainbow Cake in a Jar And sent me this link with a note that said "You HAVE TO make these" clearly knowing how much I like to try making different things. I told her I would absolutely make them for her birthday and had her pick out a few colors. As you can see from above she selected shades of purple and lime green. So I followed the directions in the link above and just changed the colors and the size of the jars (see below)

The original recipe calls for 1 pint-size canning jars, but barely gets 3 jars out of one box of cake mix. With a birthday dinner with at least 8 people this seemed like an excessive amount of cake per person. Don't get me wrong they look stunning in the taller pint-size jars but I couldn't serve 1/3 of a cake to each person! I went to the local craft store and found they had smaller 8oz mason jars which I figured would work out perfectly (pictured above). I also assume you could use those smaller 1/2 pint - jelly jars as well. You just can't fill them up all the way to the top because they puff up quite a bit. I had to experiment with one jar first before making all of them to determine how long they needed to cook and how high they would rise.

I wish I had more photos of these because they were really so cute. But I suppose that means I'll just have to make them again sometime. Hmmm...who's birthday is coming up next....

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