Birthday Lady Bugs (GF)

My sister and I are extremely close despite our living 2000 miles apart. We talk frequently so we always know what's going on with each other - and we both like to cook so we like sharing good recipes when we come across them. When I discovered cake pops I told her how she HAD TO make them too! I figured since she's a professional artist, cake pops would be right up her ally as they combine both cooking and art! But alas, she's been eating Gluten free for about a year now, and therefore eating "boxed cake" was not an option.

Her birthday was the other week and as much as I wished I could spend it with her I couldn't. I decided I would surprise her with a tray of Gluten Free cake pops and ship them out in time for her birthday. Two weeks before, I asked her to send me a list of "things she liked" to which she replied: "i like hot baths, animals, the way fish move, clouds, poppies, miniature paintings, popcorn and wine (together), a car hot from the sun, the smell of a puppy, ladybugs, the color burnt orange, Smart Puffs, blackberries, saunas, bare feet, fruit trees, cheese, goats, farmers markets, pretty bowls and nice people."

Luckily I figured Lady Bugs was something I could tackle so I gave it a go. After several failed attempts (faces dripping off and extra parts that might chip off during shipping) I settled on a design that would ship the best without being destroyed.

I started with Cherrybrook Kitchen's Gluten Free Dreams Chocolate cake mix I also discovered that Pillsbury Chocolate Frosting is also gluten free and bonus: So were the Wilton Melting Chocolates (which I read on a number of places online)!

Next I began coating them in red candy coating. After they were cooled, I dipped the "faces" in chocolate and used a pastry bag to make a line for "wings". I used some extra eyes I made for the Pigs and some Heart-Shaped sprinkles for the mouths.

And finally, All packed up with tissue paper in tupperware (there was a lot more tissue paper that went on top) taped it up packed it up and off it went.

And I received a photo after they arrived, and all things considering they arrived almost 100% in tact. My sister was thrilled about this gift and has even stashed some in the freezer, she claims, she'll be enjoying them for months. Somehow I doubt that - $5 says they'll be gone before valentines day!

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